It chose Quentin Tarantino in 2010, who seems like an ideal subject: widely admired, in the throes of professional success, but not without notorious quirks (a foot fetish, for instance) that made for great fodder. But the Friars’ Club still occasionally does its own. Comedy Central executive Jonas Larsen told The New York Times a few years ago that the roasts have become useful publicity stunts for its subjects: “You can air out all your sins and gain absolution on one night,” he said.Ĭomedy Central took over the roasts in 2003 with a mostly fond roast of Denis Leary. Donald Trump’s roast was a predictably tacky affair, featuring a cringe-inducing appearance from "Jersey Shore"’s The Situation. Sheen’s publicity team consciously undertook his 2011 roast as an attempt to redeem him in the wake of his very public, tiger-blood-fueled implosion. In a culture obsessed with building up celebrities and tearing them down, roasts have become a transparent game of image control and reputation management. “You can add ‘good sport’ to Franco’s long list of titles!” said E! Online. Amos Barshad wrote in Grantland that Franco’s selection was “a pleasant surprise from the network, and should, at the very least, make for a solid change of pace.”Īfter all, such roasts-targeting tabloid wash-ups like Pamela Anderson, David Hasselhoff, and Charlie Sheen-have gotten increasingly painful to watch over the past few years. “Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?” wondered The Atlantic Wire. The 15-minute digital pre-show is produced by CC:Studios, Comedy Central’s inhouse digital studio.The recent announcement that James Franco would be the subject of the next Comedy Central Roast has been met with general enthusiasm. ET/PT with a red carpet pre-show hosted by comedian Jonah Ray and Franco’s grandmother, Mitzie Verne. ET/PT on the cable net, and the digital stream will kick off at 9:45 p.m. “ Comedy Central Roast of James Franco” will air Sept. Livestream will air concurrently with the East Coast television broadcoast of the roast, meaning West Coast auds will get a chance to peep the laugh-packed confab three hours before its scheduled premiere on their side of the nation. No subscription is needed to view the roast on CC.com, and the Xbox 360 app will be unlocked for this special for all users. No problem, at least when it comes to this weekend’s broadcast of the “ Comedy Central Roast of James Franco.”Ĭomedy Central is leveraging its digital platforms to offer fans a livestream of the James Franco roast, rolling out the show across CC.com, mobile, tablets and the CC:Stand-Up app on Xbox 360.