As you might imagine, the two locations are quite far from each other and they are nowhere near anything that looks like asphalt, so you are forced to navigate on some of the worst roads there are, complete with mud, sand, steep hills and annoying vegetation that make your life even harder. The game's purpose, as you are informed in the beginning, is for you to collect and deliver some logs from one point to the other. Moreover, you are also given a soviet era truck to drive, which, although has the necessary technology to handle the environment, is not too reliable when it comes to horsepower and comfort. Spin Tires is a simulator that gives you a taste of what it takes to navigate difficult terrain, by throwing you into the middle of Russia for some hardcore off-roading. Explore Russia's countryside and avoid getting stuck In addition, in order to be able to navigate such environments, your car needs to well prepared and quite capable to get itself out of even the most difficult situations.

Off-road adventures may sound like fun from the comfort of your own home, but once you are stuck in the mud in the middle of the wilderness, things stop being too entertaining, at least from your perspective.